This is God’s Mission known as a MANDATE to free and unite the 7.5 billion people through PAYMENT ORDER 1-11.
PAYMENT ORDER 1-11 to all 253/357 Countries. It will support the Governments of the World in the implementation of:
INDIVIDUAL DEBT BURDEN LIBERATION (DBL): up to a total maximum of Rp. 2,000,000,000 (Two Billion Rupiah) each.
CORPORATE DEBT BURDEN LIBERATION: up to the amount of $2,000,000,000 (Two Billion Dollars) each.
COUNTRY QUOTA: US$138,990,000,000,000 (One Hundred and Thirty Eight Trillion, Nine Hundred and Ninety Billion) each.
BANK QUOTA: US$138,990,000,000,000 (One Hundred and Thirty Eight Trillion, Nine Hundred and Ninety Billion) each.
HUMAN OBLIGATION: US$6,000,000 (Six Million Dollars) per person, from 17 years of age and with a legal identity and students earn a monthly basic income of US$600 (Six Hundred Dollars) and adults US$1200 (One Thousand and Two Hundred Dollars) for the rest of their lives.
THE VENUS PROJECT for the Construction of the Universe: Mr. Jacque Fresco is the mastermind of this magnificent project which represents the culmination of his life’s work: the integration of the best of science and technology within a comprehensive plan for a global society based on human and environmental concern will soon be ours to enjoy.
Collectively Known as the WORLD SOLUTION GIFT OFFER
Code: “A1”1957/2014 Art1 Sec1 “A2” Sec 2-8 “A7 and A14
Subject: General Management Merger Authority Mandate Code: 337AM6102
As of 2010 an ACT constituting the twelve portal NKRI Treaty
Returned in Honor by Control No. 01302014-CO3000
The Committee of 300
The World Bank Group
United Nations
British Royal Families
Keraton Surokarto Hadiningrat
Register: 01-05-1887
Official Name Indonesia Official Parent of 25 countries Institutions
Ref: Certification ASBLP 0333902-2010 (Certificate Code 99.98 Board Association of International Document Grantee QA/QC Quality Assurance Quality Control Held by Single Owner as Original Single Inheritance of Assets-Income-Personal Organization-General Landlord Owner Authority of Property and Estate with full Global Immunities In all locations.
NATO- SEATO-NON BLOCK Parent Army – Protector of the PEACE)
Parent 25 of 253 countries Indonesia is PARENT “Protectorate”
Grant Government Reference: The Certificate Code 99.98 UN APROVAL NO. Misa 81704 for 70 years from 17-8-1945 to 17-8-2015 signed by representatives of 25 Parent Countries by IR SOEKARNO and Union Bank of Switzerland by H GROOB has changed hands in action by order of delivery Mandate ID-History of Microfilm 1 “M1” as Certificates Identity to Single Inheritance or Single owner and new generating good content and Grant Gov’t Team TREAD ID: 1-1TB79N Join Doctrine: 3-36 MULTINATIONAL EXELLENCE ON EXECUTION
Official Name Indonesia- ISO 3166/Aloha 2-ID
Register UPU 01-05-1887
Supporting Grant’s for Gov’t Teams Investing Gold’65