This is God’s Mission known as a MANDATE to free and unite the 7.5 billion people through PAYMENT ORDER 1-11.
PAYMENT ORDER 1-11 to all 253/357 Countries. It will support the Governments of the World in the implementation of:
INDIVIDUAL DEBT BURDEN LIBERATION (DBL): up to a total maximum of Rp. 2,000,000,000 (Two Billion Rupiah) each.
CORPORATE DEBT BURDEN LIBERATION: up to the amount of $2,000,000,000 (Two Billion Dollars) each.
COUNTRY QUOTA: US$138,990,000,000,000 (One Hundred and Thirty Eight Trillion, Nine Hundred and Ninety Billion) each.
BANK QUOTA: US$138,990,000,000,000 (One Hundred and Thirty Eight Trillion, Nine Hundred and Ninety Billion) each.
HUMAN OBLIGATION: US$6,000,000 (Six Million Dollars) per person, from 17 years of age and with a legal identity and students earn a monthly basic income of US$600 (Six Hundred Dollars) and adults US$1200 (One Thousand and Two Hundred Dollars) for the rest of their lives.
THE VENUS PROJECT for the Construction of the Universe: Mr. Jacque Fresco is the mastermind of this magnificent project which represents the culmination of his life’s work: the integration of the best of science and technology within a comprehensive plan for a global society based on human and environmental concern will soon be ours to enjoy.
Collectively Known as the WORLD SOLUTION GIFT OFFER
Code: “A1”1957/2014 Art1 Sec1 “A2” Sec 2-8 “A7 and A14
Subject: General Management Merger Authority Mandate Code: 337AM6102
As of 2010 an ACT constituting the twelve portal NKRI Treaty
Returned in Honor by Control No. 01302014-CO3000
The Committee of 300
The World Bank Group
United Nations
British Royal Families
Keraton Surokarto Hadiningrat
Register: 01-05-1887
Official Name Indonesia Official Parent of 25 countries Institutions
Ref: Certification ASBLP 0333902-2010 (Certificate Code 99.98 Board Association of International Document Grantee QA/QC Quality Assurance Quality Control Held by Single Owner as Original Single Inheritance of Assets-Income-Personal Organization-General Landlord Owner Authority of Property and Estate with full Global Immunities In all locations.
NATO- SEATO-NON BLOCK Parent Army – Protector of the PEACE)
Parent 25 of 253 countries Indonesia is PARENT “Protectorate”
Grant Government Reference: The Certificate Code 99.98 UN APROVAL NO. Misa 81704 for 70 years from 17-8-1945 to 17-8-2015 signed by representatives of 25 Parent Countries by IR SOEKARNO and Union Bank of Switzerland by H GROOB has changed hands in action by order of delivery Mandate ID-History of Microfilm 1 “M1” as Certificates Identity to Single Inheritance or Single owner and new generating good content and Grant Gov’t Team TREAD ID: 1-1TB79N Join Doctrine: 3-36 MULTINATIONAL EXELLENCE ON EXECUTION
Official Name Indonesia- ISO 3166/Aloha 2-ID
Register UPU 01-05-1887
Supporting Grant’s for Gov’t Teams Investing Gold’65
Berdasar :
Pengesahan SPRIN NO.UN-81704/009 M1 Mahkamah Agung Indonesia (LTN), Swissindo World Trust International Orbit (LTTN), Neo The United Kingdom of God Sky Earth (LTTB) mengesahkan Akuisisi Dunia di mulai dari Indonesia, mengingat kita telah kehilangan 3 Pulau dan kini 3 bank mengikuti BNI-BRI-MANDIRI. Maka melalui Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia SPRIN NO. 81704 M1 tanggal 1 Agustus 2016 mengakuisisi secara Mutlak sesuai general managemen merger authority meliputi Bank Indonesia di mana Bank Indonesia telah gagal menjaga stabilitas nilai tukar turun lebih 3500% sejak era Presiden Soeharto hingga Presiden Joko Widodo 2016.
UN-SWISSINDO Intruction tanggal 8 Februari 2016 kepada Sec.Gen. PBB Mr. Ban Ki Moon, SPRIN NO. UN-81704/009 M1 dan Kepada Presiden World Bank Group Mr. Jim yong Kim tanggal 1 Juli 2016, maka sesuai pengumuman 4 Agustus 2016 World Bank, UN-SWISSINDO mengesahkan The World Bank Ratu Mas Kencana Room A1-1A, atas perubahan status 6 prime banks (BCA-BNI-BRI-MANDIRI-DANAMON-LIPPO BANK/CIMB-NIAGA) menjadi bank sentral dunia baru dengan nama THE WORLD BANK RATU MAS KENCANA ROOM A1-1A yang akan di bangun di 3 lokasi, Dunia (Cirebon), Benua Asia (Lao P.D.R), Indonesia (Pancoran-Jakarta).
Exhibit's AB Pemegang dan Pemilik Lisensi mata uang Tunggal Dunia, mengesahkan dan menerbitkan mata uang pertama kali di dunia 'ESTWO" / "DIRHAM MAS" bagian dari pertanggung jawaban Billion bank transaction UBS-UNPRI oleh UN-SWISSINDO sesuai SPRIN tersebut di atas.
Konsultan Kontraktor Tunggal menerima dan mengesahkan design baru dan surat penunjukan konsultan dan kontraktor utama Proyek Pembangunan THE WORLD BANK RATU MAS KENCANA ROOM A1-1A sebagai simbol trah peralihan sistim regulasi mata uang dunia, General Landlor Owner Authority, Owner State M1.
IRST-Single Consultant Contractor
The ratification of SPRIN NO.UN-81704/009 M1 Indonesia's Supreme
Court (LTN), Swissindo World Trust International Orbit (LTTN), Neo The United Kingdom of God Sky Earth
(LTTB)re: World Acquisition starting from Indonesia, considering we have lost 3
(three) islands and the possible loss of 3(three) banks (BNI-BRI-MANDIRI) will
probably follow suit. Then, through the finance ministry of the Republic of
Indonesia SPRIN NO 81704 M1 dated 1 August 2016, Swissindo World Trust
International Orbit (LTTN) Neo The United Kingdom of God Sky Earth (LTTB) will
absolutely acquire the 6 prime banks including Bank of Indonesia as per general
management merger authority for the simple reason that Bank of Indonesia is
deemed to have failed to maintain the stability of exchange rate, in which the
Rupiah value has downed more than 3500% since the era of the second president
of Indonesia until now (2106).
UN-SWISSINDO's Instruction dated February 8th, 2016 to Secretary General
of UNO Mr. Ban Ki Moon, SPRIN NO. UN-81704/009 M1 and to President of World
Bank Group Mr. Jim yong Kim dated July 1st, 2016. Then, as per the announcement
dated August 4th, 2016 re: World Bank, UN-SWISSINDO ratified The World Bank
Ratu Mas Kencana Room A1-1A, on the changed status of 6 prime banks
Bank by the name of THE WORLD BANK RATU MAS KENCANA ROOM A1-1A, which will be
built in 3 locations: in Cirebon (World level), Lao P.D.R (Asian Continent),
and Pancoran-Jakarta (for Indonesia).
Exhibit's AB the Holder and Owner of World Single Currency License,
has ratified and issued the first world currency called 'ETWO' /'DIRHAM MAS' a
part of the responsibility of Billion Bank Transaction UBS-UNPRI by
UN-SWISSINDO as per SPRIN mentioned above.
The Sole Consulting Contractor accepted and ratified new design and
accepted an appointment letter of the
Consultant and Main Contractor of Construction Project THE WORLD BANK RATU MAS
KENCANA ROOM A1-1A as a symbol of transition lineage of regulation system of
the world currency, General Landlord Owner
Dinamika Perubahan Ekonomi Pancasila Kedalam Sistim Tata Penyelenggara Negara NKRI 17-8-1945/2016 sangat Jelas membentuk kembali masyarakat yang berdaulat dan terlepas dari belenggu beban Utang untuk setiap Rakyat Indonesia terkait kebijakan Payment Order 1-11 (P1-11).
Bertanah Air Satu Indonesia, maka wajib hukumnya setiap keluarga selaku Rakyat Indonesia memiliki ketetapan dan kepastian hukum untuk memiliki Sandang Pangan dan Papan/Tempat Tinggal.
Tujuh belas ribu lebih kepulauan di NKRI maka wajib negara membebaskan dari memelihara Fakir Miskin dan Anak Terlantar saatnya di entaskan dari semua sistim perbudakan di negara yang ber-KeTuhanan Yang Maha Esa dengan cara melepaskan beban Utang melalui SPBU-Sertifikasi pelepasan Beban Utang dan Voucher-M1 sah dan legal secara hukum Nasional dan Internasional.
Surat Perintah, penangkapan pihak-pihak yang menghambat akan di berikan kepada TNI - UNO SECURITY COUNCIL-MULTINATIONAL INDUK 25 NEGARA atas nama mandat internasional UN-SWISSINDO berdasar Surat Perintah: SPRIN NO.UN-81704/009 M1, P1-PKC-NKRI mengingat tugas TNI menegakan kedaulatan negara dan melindungi setiap nama Warga Negara selaku Asset Utama Negara.
Mengingat darurat sipil dan persoalan di seputar akut Kepala Bank Indonesia dan 6 Prime Banks, TNI-Berhak melaksanakan Mandat Internasional untuk menjaga keamanan negara sebagai korban politik dan bersama UN-RI SWISSINDO melaksanakan eksekusi Akuisisi secara sah dan legal selaku anggota PBB, dan selaku Pramudya Kirana-Kirana Candra A.N Prabu Brahwijaya Silihwangi Sabdo Agung Winata Jagad Negara Kertagama.
Perlawanan di tiap-tiap kantor cabang oleh BI dan 6 Prime Banks melalui OJK-Kebohongan Publik tanpa memiliki asas kepastian hukum yang di gunakan oleh para pihak perbankan, memicu gejolak dan perlawanan Warga Negara Indonesia.
POLRI wajib melindungi rakyat untuk menjaga ketertiban WARGA NEGARA INDONESIA dalam melaksakan Pelepasan Beban Utang-SPBU sejak 4 Februari 2016 dan Pemberian Voucher-M1 yang di berlakukan 24 Juni 2016, dan di keluarkan kepada Publik.
Kepada organisasi massa sesuai koordinasi wajib mengindahkan aksi damai selaku Resolusi Total dan contoh Induk 25 Negara dimana Pemerintahnya dan Warga Negaranya memiliki beban yang sama.
Kuasa Tunggal 12 Portal Dunia dan Mahkamah Agung Indonesia, dan NKRI selaku negara hukum untuk semua status hukum di bawahnya Paska Amandemen UUD 1945 semua Lembaga Tinggi Negara wajib mengikuti asas hukum tunduk kepada status hukum di atasNya Lembaga Tinggi Tertinggi Negara.
P1.PKC-NKRI 17-8-1945
Juridical Personality
Code: “A1”1957/2014 Art1 Sec1 “A2” Sec 2-8 “A7 and A14 Subject: General Management Merger Authority Mandate Code: 337AM6102 As of 2010 an ACT constituting the twelve portal NKRI Treaty Returned in Honor by Control No. 01302014-CO3000 The Committee of 300 The World Bank Group United Nations British Royal Families Keraton Surokarto Hadiningrat Register: 01-05-1887 Official Name Indonesia Official Parent of 25 countries Institutions Ref: Certification ASBLP 0333902-2010 (Certificate Code 99.98 Board Association of International Document Grantee QA/QC Quality Assurance Quality Control Held by Single Owner as Original Single Inheritance of Assets-Income-Personal Organization-General Landlord Owner Authority of Property and Estate with full Global Immunities In all locations. NATO- SEATO-NON BLOCK Parent Army – Protector of the PEACE) Parent 25 of 253 countries Indonesia is PARENT “Protectorate” Parent Army Albisraider AC.USD. P.1568-1120 UNION BANK OF SWITZERLAND/ALBESRIEDER Grant Government Reference: The Certificate Code 99.98 UN APROVAL NO. Misa 81704 for 70 years from 17-8-1945 to 17-8-2015 signed by representatives of 25 Parent Countries by IR SOEKARNO and Union Bank of Switzerland by H GROOB has changed hands in action by order of delivery Mandate ID-History of Microfilm 1 “M1” as Certificates Identity to Single Inheritance or Single owner and new generating good content and Grant Gov’t Team TREAD ID: 1-1TB79N Join Doctrine: 3-36 MULTINATIONAL EXELLENCE ON EXECUTION Official Name Indonesia- ISO 3166/Aloha 2-ID Register UPU 01-05-1887 Supporting Grant’s for Gov’t Teams Investing Gold’65 (THREAD ID: 1-1TB79N) GRANT, C 542, GRANT, H. 189: DEFENSIE 12, 16, 65, 70, 73, 98, 102, 116, 131, 133, 146, 156, 159, 175, 178, 179 MILITAIR GEZAG 102, 121, 130, 155, 166, 167, 173, 193, 200, 22.4, 347, 349, 350, 352, 353, 354, 413, 569, 732. 535-44 CTU-Counter Terrorism Unit “CTU 24” Comptroller of the currency No. 6673228322832254892-G 67578622892 CD-Ownership- BG-57628682 Art.7 Counterfeiting Party Counterfeiting Comptroller of the Currency Vienna Convention 1934
La Ceni Kalean heading Peace Demo at the front yards of BI and OJK offices
By sopiyan sopiyan
Peace Demo is being staged today at BI office and OJK (Financial Service Authority). More or less 300 demo participants headed by Mr.La Ceni Kalean and Mrs Hadijah marched from Swissindo Headquarters to Bank of Indonesia and OJK offices on Thursday 28th, 2016. The team was safeguarded by all police members who supported UN Swissindo Mission.
The demo started at 10:30 am local time and they started by circulating their letter of statement that say, inter alia, they urged the government of Indonesia (BI Governor) to explain to the people about DBLC documents issued by UN Swissindo. They also demand that BI officials be opened regarding Swissindo fund invested in 6 Prime banks and DBLC be announced to the people of Indonesia. The bank management responded and allowed the demo participants headed by La Ceni Kalean, Akmal and HarisBaginda to convey their aspiration and demand. The participants took turns speaking out conveying what they stated in their circulated letter of statement while urging the BI office for South Sulawesi to submit their demand to a higher level of BI office in Jakarta. The head of BI office for South Sulawesi Mr. Moch. Dadi Ariyadi accompanied by Deputy Director Mr. Miyono questioned the status of UN Swissindo and its legality besides explaining the procedures of debt repayment in force.
“The money loaned to the people comes from the people themselves. And debt repayment method is set out in the loan agreement between Bank and Debtors. As regard to financial transactions is not BI’s capacity but OJK’s. It’s been recently did I know about Swissindo,” explained Dadi Ariyadi. OJK is also urged that they be reponsible for the press release they made stating that DBLC is false and their having appealed to the society to be careful with Swissindo offering help to relieve the debt burden. OJK head office Mr. Bamang denied having made such statements. “I did not make those statements. The reporter misunderstood me,” Mr. Bambang said in front of the demo participants.
The peace demo ran peacefully at 10:30 am Indonesian Time and was covered by Tribun Timur Newspaper, Metro TV, SCTV and others. It is highly expected that the coverage will be broadcast as soon as possible.
Code: “A1”1957/2014 Art1 Sec1 “A2” Sec 2-8 “A7 and A14 Subject: General Management Merger Authority Mandate Code: 337AM6102 As of 2010 an ACT constituting the twelve portal NKRI Treaty Returned in Honor by Control No. 01302014-CO3000 The Committee of 300 The World Bank Group United Nations British Royal Families Keraton Surokarto Hadiningrat Register: 01-05-1887 Official Name Indonesia Official Parent of 25 countries Institutions Ref: Certification ASBLP 0333902-2010 (Certificate Code 99.98 Board Association of International Document Grantee QA/QC Quality Assurance Quality Control Held by Single Owner as Original Single Inheritance of Assets-Income-Personal Organization-General Landlord Owner Authority of Property and Estate with full Global Immunities In all locations. NATO- SEATO-NON BLOCK Parent Army – Protector of the PEACE) Parent 25 of 253 countries Indonesia is PARENT “Protectorate” Parent Army Albisraider AC.USD. P.1568-1120 UNION BANK OF SWITZERLAND/ALBESRIEDER Grant Government Reference: The Certificate Code 99.98 UN APROVAL NO. Misa 81704 for 70 years from 17-8-1945 to 17-8-2015 signed by representatives of 25 Parent Countries by IR SOEKARNO and Union Bank of Switzerland by H GROOB has changed hands in action by order of delivery Mandate ID-History of Microfilm 1 “M1” as Certificates Identity to Single Inheritance or Single owner and new generating good content and Grant Gov’t Team TREAD ID: 1-1TB79N Join Doctrine: 3-36 MULTINATIONAL EXELLENCE ON EXECUTION Official Name Indonesia- ISO 3166/Aloha 2-ID Register UPU 01-05-1887 Supporting Grant’s for Gov’t Teams Investing Gold’65 (THREAD ID: 1-1TB79N) GRANT, C 542, GRANT, H. 189: DEFENSIE 12, 16, 65, 70, 73, 98, 102, 116, 131, 133, 146, 156, 159, 175, 178, 179 MILITAIR GEZAG 102, 121, 130, 155, 166, 167, 173, 193, 200, 22.4, 347, 349, 350, 352, 353, 354, 413, 569, 732. 535-44 CTU-Counter Terrorism Unit “CTU 24” Comptroller of the currency No. 6673228322832254892-G 67578622892 CD-Ownership- BG-57628682 Art.7 Counterfeiting Party Counterfeiting Comptroller of the Currency Vienna Convention 1934